Hi guys, I think I’m the craziest person around🤪. You shouldn’t blame me though, I did not believe in the myth of people who talk about love at first sight😍 until it happened to me. Here is my story…

Growing up, I used to be this easy-going guy. I was cultured, disciplined, and very religious, so you can call me a church boy😌😌. na God dey run am.

I was brought up in a Catholic school let’s call it saint something and you know, their Holy Communion is always rightly served 😉😜 I used to see Father John take wine after mass and it was okay as it’s the same wine that everyone else took in the mass so I guess it is the right thing to do.

I was so close to him that He taught me lots of things about life and he was like a father to me. He was my role model. I grew up wanting to be a pastor✝️🛐 because he influenced me. I ensured I keep myself holy, that I even see dating as a sin, lmao😆.

My hope was trampled upon when Father John passed away🥺 and as I thought things couldn’t get worse, shortly, my dad also passed away😣😪. This shattered my faith in its foundation so I stopped believing. Hence, I was bright, so I managed to finish high school and then joined university🚶🚶.

Remember I said that I wanted to be a pastor but that dream died the moment I lost my dad and my role model, so I decided to explore the other talents in me😄.

In my second year, I went to a nightclub with my friends. It was my first time going to a lousy club like that. I decided to take a seat and gulp down a few shots🍺.

Hi Barman, can I have a shot of whiskey, please? said a hottie with a soft tiny-tickling voice. Supposed voices could be tasted, I would have said that the voice has a taste of strawberry with a touch of banana flavor, my favorite 😋.

I turned to the voice and was wowed with what I saw. I like what I see😘😚. Drinks on me, damsel I said. She turned to me smiling ‘Thank you but I got this.’ I signed briefly ‘I know you got this but allow me please’. Alright, suit yourself, she said.

I’m Alex. I introduced myself sharply. I’m Stephenie, she replied. Then we gisted while sipping our drinks.

Who is up for a naughty game? One of my friends spoke up from the dancefloor and he pointed out Stephenie to the dance floor and told her to pick someone who she can allow to suck her nipple😏🤡. I was a bit behind my other friends and as I passed by, Stephanie grabbed me and I heard her tell my friend that she would provide her services to me for free.

I was taken aback but I managed to force out a thank you and as I tried to walk away, she grabbed my hands and put it on her tits🍑 and my friends kept on cheering me. They didn’t know I was a virgin because I had bragged many times about how nasty I was.

So I agreed reluctantly to prove to them that indeed I was the naughty guy, so I did what I was challenged to do and I could see the pleasure and burning desire in her eyes. We decided to hold ourselves and dance to the tone of the ongoing music and after a while, I wanted to pull myself away from her because I wasn’t a good dancer but she cleaved tighter to me so I had to maintain the tempo with her.

We started to kiss and then we left and she took me down to a corridor. There used to be a furniture showroom. She opened up her short skirt and put her two hands on the glass window, and wooh I wasn’t gonna let this moment pass me, so I hit it and for the first time, I released my seeds after the mixed reactions of getting caught, and adrenaline rush. Damn, that was the best 20 mins of my life and so we exchanged contacts.

That was how I fell crazily in love🤩 with Stephanie and we keep getting stronger as each day passes by. We have been together for 5yrs now and am planning to marry her🥰.