Preparing for resumption again? Here are 5 Tips for UNILAG staylites and Freshmen.

Hi everyone! Resumption is on the horizon (it’s right here actually but some of you are unserious) and everyone’s running up and down the place. Last minute shopping, some are just opening their suitcases, some don’t even know where to start. The beginning of a new semester, first or second can be confusing for everyone, especially after being on one of UNILAG’s signature long holidays. Are you looking for tips to make preparation faster or do you not have any idea at all? Whatever category you fall into, I think you should be able to gain one or two things from this article.


1. Get everything you need ready.



This is the twenty-first century; you can’t wait till the last minute and expect your parents to give you the amount of money you want. And if you buy everything yourself, wouldn’t the prices have skyrocketed now that we’re at the eve of resumption. Have no fear! It’s not too much to worry about, really. Just make sure you have everything you can’t do without when you’re about to go back to school. For example, some of y’all might be able to forgo water for a few days (that was a joke please) Make sure you buy and keep all your necessities.


2. Read ahead.



This is the one tip that I know y’all will either skip or read with skepticism, so if you’re still reading this, a very big thank you to you. Whether you’re a staylite or freshman, school studies are no joke and it’s easy to get so carried away and lost at the beginning of the new session. Fine, maybe you’re a fast-paced reader with the mind of a sponge, it doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from preparing your mind before the beginning of the semester. Really, you’ll be happy to have those jottings ready for the next semester. When everything eventually gets hectic, you won’t have to panic because at least you’ve mastered the basic concepts.


3. Have your accommodation ready.



I think the mistake a lot of people make is relying on one form of accommodation. Whether you choose to ballot for a school hostel or you want to get private accommodation, make sure you always have a backup plan. I don’t think I have to tell you about how unreliable the balloting system is, and when resumption gets too close, it’ll be harder to get space in private hostels. Have your wits about you and do some research so that you don’t end up homeless in this new semester. And in everything you do, discretion is advised. Don’t pay 500 k in hopes of squatting only to realize that your Bonafide isn’t real.


4. Register everything you need to register.



As a staylite and particularly as a fresher, make sure your registration is complete. Don’t leave anything until later or until your final year. I’ve definitely heard rumours of final year students having to go back and complete their medical registration because they needed it to graduate. Do everything when you’re supposed to do it and make sure you get copies of every vital document because UNILAG can be a very funny school. I wouldn’t do any important payment on my phone if I were you, I’d do it on a computer. Or why do you think important exams are usually taken on computers?


5. Stay glued to your class group chat.



During these desperate times, your class group chat is equivalent to any other average social media app. Your class rep will drop updates there, your annoying classmates will drop updates there, the guy who has never even smelt the faculty before will drop updates there, and so on. Keep your eyes peeled and make sure you verify anything you see with people or media outlets that you trust. When you’re resuming or at any other time of the year, last minute updates that are legit a matter of life and death are usually dropped on your class group chat. So please unmute them, even if it’s just for now, and check the group from time to time.


Okay, that’s all for now. I wouldn’t want to delay you any longer because you obviously have a lot of preparation to do. Remember to keep your eyes and ears open and be careful. If you found this article helpful and you’re looking for more content like this, feel free to explore the rest of the Trybe City website. Thank you so much for reading.