“Welcome to back to school” – Dairy of a UNILAG Babe (EP1)

There are many things people do not tell you before getting into Unilag. Things like how much shege you’re going to go through in the hands of different enemies of progress e.g your lecturer, your  roommate, and surprisingly, yourself. Or how it seems like Unilag was built closer to the sun than other areas.

We are just kickstarting second semester and honestly I’m not in any way ready. I haven’t made sense of all the different course codes, talk more of what the courses actually entail. I’m not even sure of my major yet….. Not really though, I had decided to major in public relations and advertising but then, the other day, my department decided to shock me with my results and let’s just say, I’m not exactly against the idea of changing my major anymore.

But what’s with that ? You’ll study and study with back to back overnight classes only to be getting results that are not matching the energy you put into studying.

Honestly, it’s not fair. But what can I do.

That’s why I decided that this semester the library shall be my second home and my books my best friend.

Enough of my ranting for now. But then, what’s the use of a dairy if you can’t rant all you want.

I went for a work out at my faculty yesterday.  I know I shouldn’t have, but I was so exhausted after the workout and made the terrible decision of sitting on the concrete floor of the FSS ( Faculty of social sciences) parking lot.

You know those black soldier ants? Yes those ones that leave you hurting for hours after you’ve been stung and it feels like the ant is biting you over and over again. One of those devils stung me on my right butt. And I almost could not control the urge of clutching my butt as I walked to my hostel because it felt like the ant was still in my pants.

As you can guess, I’m still very much in a bad mood so I’ll introduce myself better in the next part.