Today’s Naira Exchange Rate (July 26th, 2024)

Today’s Naira Exchange Rate
(Fri 26 July, 2024 • 09:00 AM)

Below is Today’s Naira to dollar, pounds, and other currency exchange rate in Nigeria

1 USD ⇛ ₦1,611.877
1 GBP ⇛ ₦2,048.410
1 EUR ⇛ ₦1,751.889
 1 CAD ⇛ ₦1,148.145

Kindly keep up with this page for current exchange rate in Nigeria

Disclaimer – The exchange rates are sourced from open-source APIs and may not reflect the actual market rates. Users are advised to verify rates and consult financial experts before making decisions. We do not guarantee accuracy and disclaim liability for any losses incurred.