UI Edition: 7 Locations To Look Out For On Saturdays

Saturdays are for what? Owanbe, definitely. In lieu of this, there are some locations in UI where you can hunt for Item 7 on Saturdays.

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1) Trenchard Hall

This place is a sure place for Item 7 but mostly on Thursdays.

Inaugural lectures are always been held there. If you are a student of UI you should know that inaugural lectures mean confam Item 7.

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2) The whole of chapel of ressurection

Well…I didn’t mean the whole of chapel literally but Chapel Hall and Chapel Tarmac are places where parties are held and food is served. You know the deal.

3) Mosque Hall

UI Mosque has a hall that is also used to host events where you can hunt for Item 7.

Incase you are thinking you can’t work with chapel, then UI Mosque dey for you.

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4) Alumni Hall

This hall is located near Heritage Park. It is used for events like parties and inaugural lectures. And what’s a party without food? Item 7 is guaranteed.

5) SUB pitch

If you have been thinking that crashing a party held in a hall is rude, fear not, comrade. SUB pitch gat you. Drop there to get your highly anticipated Item 7.

6) ICC

The International Conference Centre located at the second gate does not only holds conference but also parties. Item 7 gotten from conferences may not necessarily be food but at least a reward was given.

7) Bello Dome

This particular location is the best especially convocation period. Free food everywhere. Convocation, wedding and other events are held here and Item 7 is guaranteed for most of these events.

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Interested in crashing parties? Bored?

Just drop by these locations to have the time of your life. From parties to inaugural lectures, these locations got you especially during the second semester.